RSO-CBD – Phoenix Tears by Dispensary Near Me
RSO-CBD – Phoenix Tears, an oil made from the flowers of the cannabis (marijuana) plant, gets attention online from people who claim it treats cancer. There’s no solid evidence for it. But some early research suggests that some chemicals in marijuana have future potential as a cancer treatment.
Cannabis oil comes in many types and formulations. These include cannabidiol (CBD) oil, which is often part of medical marijuana.
Unlike many other cannabis oils, Rick Simpson Oil is high in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the main psychoactive chemical in marijuana. THC is the chemical in marijuana that provides the “high.”
Online reports say Simpson is a Canadian engineer and cannabis activist. After a bad fall, he found that marijuana helped lessen his dizziness and other symptoms. Later, when he developed basal cell skin cancers on his arm, Simpson used cannabis oil as a treatment. As the reports go, his skin cancers went away.
Rick Simpson Oil, more commonly referred to by its abbreviation “RSO,” is a cannabis concentrate that is usually applied topically or ingested. It is made using an ethanol (alcohol) extraction, which pulls the essential compounds out of cannabis buds, resulting in a dark, syrupy oil that is often put into applicators for easier dosing and use. It is named after Rick Simpson, who popularly used the oil as a skin cancer treatment.